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How to Prevent Car Theft

car theft Toronto
Broken window of a vehicle attemtped to be stolen in Toronto

In a world where car thefts are unfortunately common, it’s crucial for every vehicle owner to prioritize security measures. Protecting your
car goes beyond just locking the doors. In this blog post, we’ll explore key strategies to fortify your vehicle against theft, providing you with peace of mind and safeguarding your investment.

How You Can Protect Your Car From Theft

1. Lock Your Vehicle
Securing your car starts with the basics. Always lock your doors and windows before leaving your vehicle. This simple step can deter
opportunistic thieves looking for an easy target. Make sure to always double check that you car is locked, as sometimes it may not lock the first time.
2. Steering Wheel Locks
A steering wheels lock prevents steering wheel movement so that a thief would not be able to drive off with your car. One thing to note is
that some steering wheel locks that you purchase have a universal key, so it’s best to invest in one that uses a combination lock. Also, make
sure that the metal is thick enough so that the thief would not be able to cut it off using the right tools.


steering wheel lock
Key Steering Wheel Lock
3. Alarms and GPS Tracking

Most vehicles have car alarms, however nowadays theives have advanced technology that can pick up the frequency of your push-to-start
vehicle, making it easy for them to take off with your car. A GPS tracking device in your vehicle may help with recovering your vehicle in
the event it gets stolen. It’s important to keep in mind that in some cases, especially in reported cases in Toronto, a GPS tracker has not always been effective as ongoing police investigations may prevent you from getting your car back, even if you know where it is.

4. Residential Driveway Bollards
Residential Bollards is a new method to protect your vehicles that has been proven to be a cost effectively way to protect your car while at home. Most vehicles are being stolen from driveways at night, or while your car is warming up in the morning. Residential bollards are retractable steel poles that are installed at the end of your driveway to prevent your car from leaving the driveway. These bollards can be
retracted both manually and automatically, and come in various designs
to protect your car in style. For more information on Residential Driveway Bollards, click here.


residential bollards protecting driveway from car theft
Residential Bollards Installed in Driveway
5. Fuel Cut Off Switches (Anti-Theft Devices)
Anti-theft devices are a fairly new method that is installed in your vehicle and prevents your car from turning on without entering a code set by you. This method is effective, but it’s important to note that dealerships are voiding warranties if your implement this anti-theft device since it’s altering the way your car works. For more information on anti-theft devices, click here.


By implementing these comprehensive strategies, you can significantly enhance the security of your vehicle and reduce the risk of car theft.
Safeguard your investment, protect your personal belongings, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your car is well-protected against potential threats.