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Auto Theft in Toronto: Prevention Methods

bollards in driveway
Home in Toronto with Driveway Bollards

Amidst a nationwide surge in car thefts, with a 24 percent increase noted in 2022, the Toronto area bears a particularly heavy burden, evoking a blend of paranoia, vigilance, and resentment among residents.

Car thefts have become alarmingly common in Canada’s largest city, skyrocketing by 150 percent over the past six years. This issue has forged a shared experience among vehicle owners, with many either falling victim themselves or knowing someone who has. The headlines of numerous news outlets continuously highlight these thefts.

In response, social media groups have emerged to aid in locating stolen vehicles. However, the prevalent sentiment in the comments suggests resignation to the likelihood that the stolen cars are already en route to overseas destinations in shipping containers.

Homeowners are increasingly seeking solutions to safeguard their driveways, with some earning commendation from the police for installing bollards.

One of our clients, Mr. Lucas, decided to install three bollards in his driveway to protect his Ferrari.

employees installing bollards in driveway
Bollard Boys GTA Installing Bollards in Driveway

With the strategic placement of these bollards, it is physically impossible for anyone to steal Mr. Lucas’s prized Ferrari from his driveway.

With the rising demand of car-theft prevention methods in Toronto, New York Times featured us in their recent article titled For Car Thieves, Toronto Is a ‘Candy Store,’ and Drivers Are Fed Up

In this eye-opening article, they discuss the rising car theft rates, specifically in Toronto, and interviewed victims of car theft.

New York Times accompanied us in our install for Mr. Lucas, and interviewed our founder Achoy Ladrick. The goal of Bollard Boys GTA is to safeguard vehicles, and bring back the peace of mind of car owners. Car theft has grown into an epidemic, especially in Toronto, which is why we offer this solution as a way to protect your vehicle, without altering your vehicle.

Contact us today to learn more about our residential bollard solutions, as well as the various types, designs and pricing.