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10 Car Protection Tips to Prevent Car Theft

man breaking into car
Man Breaking Into a Honda

Car theft is no stranger in Toronto and the GTA. It seems like everyday there’s news about a new car jacking. Whether you own a luxury sedan, a compact car, or an SUV, protecting your vehicle against theft requires proactive measures. Here are ten comprehensive tips to help you prevent car theft and ensure the safety of your vehicle:

1. Park in Well-Lit Areas:

Always park your car in well-lit areas, especially at night. Visibility is key to deterring thieves who prefer dark and secluded spots. This may help deter thieves from targeting your vehicle for their next theft. 

2. Use a Steering Wheel Lock:

Investing in a steering wheel lock adds an additional layer of security, making it more difficult for thieves to steal your car. Ensure that the steering wheel lock that you purchase uses a unique key, and not a universal key. Otherwise a thief could have the key to your steering wheel lock by purchasing the same one as you. 

3. Install an Alarm System:

Install a reliable alarm system that will sound off if someone attempts to break into your vehicle. Visible alarm decals can also serve as a deterrent. It’s important to keep in mind that most alarm systems will not go off if someone touches your vehicle, and often times only go off when it detects a window has been broken. Thieves are getting clever these days and may trip the wires to shut the alarm off. 

4. Keep Valuables Out of Sight:

Avoid leaving valuables such as laptops, smartphones, and bags in plain view. Store them in the trunk or take them with you to minimize temptation for thieves. 

5. Utilize Immobilization Devices:

Consider installing immobilization devices such as kill switches or fuel cutoffs, which prevent the engine from starting without the correct key or code. It’s important to take precaution with this option, as some anti-theft devices like IGLA will void your car insurance warranty. Also, thieves are adapting to current technology quickly, and may find a work around to immobilizers in the near future. 

Secure Your Keys:

Never leave your keys in the ignition, and avoid hiding spare keys in obvious places like under floor mats or inside the car. In some cases, your insurance company may not fully compensate you if your vehicle gets stolen when you leave the key fob in the vehicle. So it’s important to always be mindful of where you leave your keys.

7. Be Mindful of Remote Key Fob Security:

Keep your remote key fob secure and avoid leaving it in vulnerable areas where it can be easily cloned or hacked. Also, leaving your key right at your front door may allow a thief to use technology to pick up signals from your key fob, allowing them to break into your vehicle. Key fob protectors that block the signals have become more popular, however, this only prevents one tactic that thieves are using to steal cars.

8. Invest in GPS Tracking:

Installing a GPS tracking device can help authorities locate your vehicle in the event of theft, increasing the chances of recovery. This can help speed up the police investigation when reporting your car stolen. Unfortunately, there have been some cases where people’s cars have been found, but then are held for investigation and forensics. There has also been stories of police not returning your vehicle, even when the location is known, due to ongoing investigations. 

9. Be Vigilant in Public Spaces:

Stay vigilant in public spaces, especially when loading or unloading groceries or other items. Thieves may take advantage of distracted moments to strike. For example, when you’re pumping gas, make sure to always lock your doors and shut off your vehicle. This has been an easy way for thieves to quickly steal your vehicle when you least expect it. 

10. Consider Residential Bollards:

For added security at home, consider installing residential bollards in your driveway or parking area. Manual or automatic retractable bollards provide a physical barrier against car theft, deterring thieves and protecting your property. Physical barriers are a good option because thieves can’t hack into it, or break into it. 

Preventing car theft requires a combination of vigilance, awareness, and proactive security measures. By implementing these ten comprehensive tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of your vehicle being targeted by thieves. Additionally, for added peace of mind and enhanced security at home, consider investing in residential bollards. These secure solutions serve as a physical barrier against car theft, protecting your property and stopping potential car thieves.

For inquiries about residential bollard installation and security solutions in the GTA, feel free to Contact us.